Oversteering with Law of Attraction

Apparently, I sometimes I have a lead foot. That’s what my mom tells me when I drive anyway. But I wonder if I do the same with regards to the Law of Attraction sometimes.

Years ago, I backed my new truck into a cement wall and damaged the bumper and the right hand side of the truck bed. This hurt. My new truck now was a rolling testimony to my bad driving. I wished for a minor fenderbender where that damage I had just caused would be paid for without me having to reach into my own wallet. 

Can you imagine, on Tuesday of the very next week, I am in an all day executive presentation and cannot answer my phone.  During a break I have 18 missed calls. I call my (now ex-) wife to find out what was so urgent. She had been following another driver too closely, he brake checked her, the road was icy, she went into a spin that culminated in the truck sliding off the embankment and landing on its roof in Boulder Creek. The truck was totalled. My wife was unharmed, as was my then 2 year old son, who had been strapped in his carseat in the back seat. He got a plush toy from the fire department. I got a new truck. A high stakes way to fix a dent? You bet. 

Next, I have a tenant with a seriously aggressive, psychotic, “I hate humans” American Bulldog. She works long hours, the poor dog is cooped up indoors or in the yard, where he has turned what used to be grass into a shit-mud mix. She buys the bargain dogfood, and he is not well nourished. She has health issues and is overweight. Walking is not her forte, and so the poor dog doesn’t get the exercise he desperately needs. Outcome: He hates everybody except his owner. Yet it is the owner, the human he actually loves, who is responsible for his miserable, neglected, abused life.

He wants to maul anyone he can get hold of.  He barks nonstop for hours on end, signaling his abject misery to the entire neighborhood. I can’t rent the unit below her, because nobody wants a non-stop noisemaker viciously signaling their aggression and misery.

I tell this tenant that her dog is out of control, dangerous and she needs to do something. She tells me that I am wrong, that this is a ?very sweet dog who just needs to get to know me”. She invites me to pet him while she is holding him so we can “make friends.” Her and her mom both hold the dog by the collar and ask him to sit, which he does. He wags his tail as I approach to pet him, as I coo nice sounds to him to show my intent to connect with him. Then as  I get close, he rips away from the two women holding him and attacks. He gets hold of my left index finger and bites hard. I yank my finger away, as blood spurts, and run back as the two women struggle to get crazy dog back under control. The snow is spattered red. Flaps of skin hang loose off the top of my finger from the multiple puncture wounds he inflicted. They tell me that when the dog has bitten them in the past, it didn’t get infected. I tell them this dog is dangerous, not only because he is vicious, but because he pretends to be friendly to get me close so that he can attack me.  

My wish is granted, the dog will be gone. Apparently, he will be given to a person with a farm who gives it the exercise and true “dog’s life” it deserves. Yet, I have six deep puncture wounds / lacerations on my finger, I spent 4 hours at the ER getting those addressed, and my ability to type, work and even wash dishes is impacted unfavorably.

Could that have gone with a less extreme way of getting my wish granted?

I know I am a powerful attractor, and both wishes came true instantly, but with a bit of oversteer. Now my job is not to stop wishing. Instead, it is to keep refining how I work with the law of attraction in order to get what I want and wish for, but in ways that are less extreme.