Even in Love: Nothing is Personal

Open Letter to a girlfriend (and to myself): We all need to know this!

I think there’s a fundamental piece of feedback that I owe you: nothing is personal.
That I was flying from Detroit to Denver when you wanted to talk is not personal.
That I am busy and have a busy schedule is not about you, it’s not me intentionally hurting you or saying anything about my level of caring for or love for you.
It might mean I’m bad at time management or that I have a son or maybe even that I’m intimate with 10 other women (not true, but that’s far beyond a reasonable worst case just to make my point). And even then, that I reached out is a compliment that all the other 10 women could choose to be supremely jealous of.

Nothing I do that doesn’t directly involve you is personal to you.

If I make a commitment to you, I intend to keep it. And even then, if I broke it, it wouldn’t mean anything about you, your beauty, your sexiness, your intelligence, your lovability.
It might just mean flat tire, careless driving, bad planning or any amount of things about me, not you

To quote Dr. Joe DiSpenza “The best place to hide God is within you. Because everyone is looking for God outside themselves.”

Please, spend the day worshipping the amazingness of you.

Nobody needs to tell you anything about your value that should ever matter more than what you tell you. Tell yourself your amazingness. I want to, and I just tried to, and until you tell yourself your amazingness, nothing I can tell you will ever be enough.

I love you.