Noticing Your Power, Being at Cause for Everything, Changing your Life

When my son was about three years old, we went to Saint Lucia, a beautiful island in the Caribbean for vacation.  One day we were at the beach and my son, who loves all things water and swimming, spent most of his time hanging out in the ocean. At one point, black clouds started gathering and it became ominously dark. Yet my son continued playing in the water, dancing as the waves pushed him, and enjoying it all.  Suddenly, the skies opened, dumping sheets of warm water toward the earth. I retreated to underneath a thatched canopy of a beachfront restaurant from where I could continue watching my son.  He sat meditation position, cross-legged in the shallower water, where the gentle breaking waves just moved him slightly as they rolled around him at about chest height. Soon afterward, literally about seven minutes later, much faster than I had anticipated, the sun came back out and the black clouds seemingly just disintegrated.

I went to go check on my son and tell him I loved him. I commented on the weather and how quickly it had shifted. My three year old son lifted his head, looking directly into my eyes and told me with the matter of fact truth of a three year old with the view of the world that children that age have: “I made the clouds disappear and the sun come back”.

I reflect on a lesson from another mentor who continually emphasizes that we create everything in the world, even things seemingly bigger and uncontrollable, like the weather. My three year old knew this (now he acts mortified when I tell this story). If I do create everything, how should I be more cautious about my thoughts? Where should I make sure I focus on what I want, rather than on what I don’t want to manifest? How about you? What are three things in your life you’d like to see differently? Could you write those down, track your thoughts the next 30 days, consciously focus on culling negative thoughts and reinforcing positive ones, and see how your life feels on those three dimensions in 30 days?