Getting what you want

From time to time the universe opens up the floodgates and showers me in abundance.   Often those times correspond to when I was feeling things weren’t going my way and didn’t fight, but released, and accepted reality as it is.

When I accept things as they are, the universe is always kind. When I release judging and labeling of things that don’t match my wanting, the universe gives me the full extent of what is already in the quantum field and what I have been wanting.  Once my mental muscles relax out of resisting the absence of what I want, I receive what I want.


Letting go of controlling outcome: my personal pattern that I do sometimes observe in others also, is that I would rather have the firm “No” that I don’t want than the lingering maybe.  The self-sabotaging me would rather have the “No”, than the “Maybe” that could easily turn into a “Yes” out of the spite and dissatisfaction of not getting a “Yes” at the time I want it for me to feel the feelings of being in control and getting what I want when I most feel like I need them.

The universal mechanism is really about equal and opposing forces at the same energy level.  If there is a strong force of allowing / receiving, there is an equal and opposite force of giving at that same energy level.  If there is a strong force of resisting, there is a strong force of promoting continued resistance at that same, lower energy level of resistance.

When I realize that:

In the quantum field of infinite possibilities and infinite abundance, the answer to my every wish is contained…

For every wish I might have, there is a person whose desire is to be able to meet that desire.  For every man wishing for a lover, there is a woman wishing for a lover and wishing to be a lover, for every hungry person hungry for a good meal, there is a restaurant looking for an appreciative customer, for every job seeker there is an employer needing a good worker, for every person with car issues, there is a mechanic looking to make a positive difference in peoples’ lives by fixing a car,…

When I feel farthest away from what I want, that is a sign that victory is near.

When I can no longer handle the unmet yet imminent possibility of what I want, and close the door by deciding I prefer the certainty of the absence of what I want, the universe must, by law, not give me what I have now abandoned my desire for, and halt the order I had previously placed.

It must do so, even if that is the equivalent of me having ordered food in a restaurant, and having grown, under the stress of being acutely hungry, very impatient. I, not seeing the waiter approach from behind with a perfect plate of delicious, steaming hot food freshly prepared just for my satisfaction, get up with annoyance, cause the waiter to drop the plate he was just about to hand over my shoulder, and leave the restaurant in frustration at the long wait, without getting the fulfillment of the order that I had placed.

I didn’t get what I wanted, not because it wasn’t coming all along, but because I lacked the trust in the universe to wait those extra moments for the successful delivery of what I want. This is a contrived example, yet I suspect all of us have blocked the achievement of our wishes in similar ways more than once.

Time is quirky. Some joke that time often moves in opposition to our desires, that “time flies when we are having fun” and “drags at work” when we aren’t having as much fun.

The real fact is that time does those things and more, it can cease mattering during times our needs are being fulfilled, and become consuming when we feel that they aren’t.  A much needed hug can feel like receiving an eternity of love and nurturing from a kind person, and can take only a few instants. A car crash can move in such slow motion that we can run through large swaths of our life in the fractions of seconds it takes from the perspective of an onlooker.  Releasing attachment to the “I should have had this wish by now” creates and maintains the joy and positive anticipation that is an absolute requisite for getting our desires met.

Reaffirming to ourselves that our time here is long enough to see this wish fulfilled, and hundreds or even hundreds of thousands more can remind us that everything is ok.

Gratitude is the anchor to a positive, positively expectant emotional state. As we express our gratitude to the universe for all the things it is giving now, has given, and is giving us now (in the act of giving that we haven’t yet perceived, but that we can express gratitude for, now, anyway) will anchor the positive energy of joy and joyous receiving.

Gratitude can alter our perception of time such that the interval of waiting for our next wish to be received is just a succession of moments of joy.

Doing things that bring us joy now, as we await the thing we want to bring us more joy will keep us in the state of joy and joyous receiving where we realize that everything is perfect and we aren’t meant to lack for anything.

When the joy seems like it’s not quite there yet, when the illusion that joy is created by external circumstances that aren’t currently in place is strongest, there is a solution. It’s to find reasons to relax, to melt into gratitude for all the things you have now in life.

You have a chair to sit on, a computer to read this on, working electricity to power that computer, eyes to read, and so much more. When you appreciate that, it lightens you, reminds you of the richness and fullness of not just the universe, but of your universe, your life.

Feel into that, and realize that the more you experience that knowing, the more this knowing creates even more things to be amazingly grateful for.


Much Love!
