Do we have to be a Bonsai?

There is a forest of Bonsai trees. Trees that look like trees, except they are not to scale. They are living small, smaller than their innate genetic potential, smaller than their innate conceptual potential. Since there is a forest of them, few look around and wonder that they are all so small. Being small is “normal”. In the distance one can see a few “giants”, just regular sized trees that seem giant by comparison with the Bonsai. The shadows of those giants are not conducive to growing more giants. However, every once in a while, a tree that could have been a Bonsai chooses to express its true nature, it’s conceptual, spiritual and genetic potential and grow to its capabilities, despite the lack of good role models in its immediate vicinity, despite the lack of good role models in the trees that it descended from, and the trees it grew up around.

Could that be us? Us as humans? Every once in a while, there are giants like Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Lech Walesa and Mother Theresa. But most of us think smaller, act smaller and live smaller than our true potential. Do we really have to? Or do we just do it because everyone else does? Do we do it because our jobs confined us in a small pigeonhole? Do we do it because our parents want safety and security for us, and safety and security are better visualized in the form of yet another bonsai; rather than in the massiveness of a full grown tree that experiences very different sunshine, different wind forces and that just lives all of life, both the easy parts and the challenges, on a grander, more magnificent scale?

There aren’t many people out there who aren’t bonsais. However they are there. Not enough to change the forest significantly all at once. Yet enough to show that we can, with this small twig and this small root, start daring greater things and move on to bigger and better things. Take Risks. Be Bold. Think Big. Be Big.